BY Martin Dunlop | March 17 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

Young Catholics showcased in free Lentfest events
Publication Date: 2011-03-17
See the Spirit of Life Youth Choir, Ensemble and Fire.Cloud’s 100 Hearts next week, each free for one night only
This year’s Archdiocese of Glasgow Arts Project Lenfest programme is well underway but there are plenty of events still to come, including two free performances next week.
A Lenten reflection concert will be performed at St Aloysius Church, Glasgow, on March 24 as part of the festival.
The Spirit of Life Youth Choir (above) and the Spirit of Life Ensemble will perform in concert next Thursday reflecting the Passion of Jesus Christ and the Lenten Season including works from Avro Pärt and Allegri.
The choir has performed together, fundraising for various charities, through the years, and will this year be raising money for the Epiphany Trust to help to house and take care of Romanian orphans.
Solo performances will be given on the evening by Angéline Moncus, a recent winner at the Glasgow Music Festival who is traveling over from Paris for the event, and Matthew Todd, (above), choir tenor at Paisley Abbey, while Scripture reading and reflection on Christ’s Passion will be given by Fr Peter Griffiths SJ, parish priest at St Aloysius.
In another Lentfest event, St Margaret’s Church, Clydebank, will play host to 100 Hearts (below)—an evening of song, prayer and hope, produced by the organisation Fire.Cloud.
The creative prayer event hopes to bring 100 people along to ‘give their heart to God,’ as part of their Lenten efforts, through an evening of reflection, music and prayer.
Entrance to both events is free and all are welcome. The 100 Hearts event will take place at 7pm at St Margaret’s Church, Sinclair Street, Clydebank, on Wednesday March 23. The following evening’s concert at St Aloysius Church, Rose Street, Glasgow, will commence at 7.30pm. A collection will be taken in aid of the Epiphany Trust to aid Romanian Orphans.
— For more information on The Spirit of Life event click here:
—For more information on The Fire.Cloud event click here:
—In next week’s Scottish Catholic Observer: a preview of one of the Lentfest highlights, the première of The Turnaround by Stephen Callaghan, the festival’s creative director. To read more visit