BY Ian Dunn | March 16 | 0 COMMENTS

Bishops outline plans for Pope’s German itinerary
Holy Father returns to homeland in September on first state visit
The German Bishops have outlined the programme for Pope Benedict XVI’s first state visit to Germany, which is due to take place in September.
The Holy Father is set to return to his homeland from September 22-25, visiting Berlin, Erfurt and Freiburg, among other German cities.
“We bishops truly hope and believe that we will gain strength from this visit,” Archbishop Robert Zollitsch said. “We have a very hard time behind us.”
Although the Holy Father has visited his home country since his election as Pope in 2005, this will be his first visit as a head of state. The Pope is set to speak before the parliament (Bundestag), and meet multiple politicians during his stay.
The religious component to the visit will involve meetings with leaders of the Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox Christian faiths as well as a large public Mass in Berlin.
Church leaders also presented the logo and motto for the visit: Wherever God is, there is the future.
Organisers said many more details would be filled in during the months leading up to the visit.
Shortly after he was elected, the Pope announced that he would continue the tradition of his predecessor by attending World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany. Above, the Holy Father is seen arriving for the World Youth Day Mass at Marienfeld outside Cologne, Germany. Below, the Pope waves to pilgrims from a cruiser on the Rhine River before World Youth Day.