BY Ian Dunn | March 11 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

Caritas steps in to help Japan after Tsunami
Publication Date: 2011-03-11
Fr Koichi Otaki, Japanese priest and chancellor of Niigata Diocese: “We are still in shock over what has happened”
Caritas has moved quickly to help those affected by the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.
The island nation was hit by an earthquake rated 8.9 on the Ritcher scale early this morning. A ten-metre tsunami struck the coast of Sendai, the capital of the prefecture of Miyagi in north-eastern Japan, following the earthquake. At least 60 people are known to have died with hundreds more unaccounted for.
One priest on the ground told Caritas—an international confederation of 164 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations including SCIAF—that the natural disaster had been devastating.
“A tsunami has hit our people. Is a tidal wave has come to overwhelm our lives. We are still in shock over what has happened,” Fr Koichi Otaki, Japanese priest and chancellor of Niigata Diocese, said. “The news is mixed, but the diocese most affected is that of Sendai, Our Bishop, Bishop Isao Kikuchi, President of Caritas Japan, ensures us that as the Japanese Catholic community, though very small, we will not walk away from our commitment and our solidarity with the victims.
“The tsunami reminds us of the precariousness of life. Solidarity and assistance to the victims will certainly be our Lenten commitment.”
Bishop Kikuchi is overseeing Caritas reaction in Japan having just returned to Japan after a meeting of Caritas Asia in Bangkok, where the assembly elected a new president of Caritas Asia.
Fr Bonnie Mendes, the director of Caritas Asia, said they were monitoring the situation closely.
“We are in constant contact with the Caritas Japan, which is monitoring the situation, the damage and the victims,” Fr Mendes said. “We hope that there are too many casualties. We expect to have a better understanding of the situation of displaced persons and their need to plan an emergency intervention.”
In the UK, the bishops of England and Wales have released the following prayer for the victims:
Prayer in Time of Earthquake
God our Father,
you set the earth on its foundation.
Keep us safe from the danger of earthquakes
and let us always feel the presence of your love.
May we be secure in your protection
and serve you with grateful hearts.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.