BY Ian Dunn | March 4 | 0 COMMENTS

Israeli PM welcomes Pope’s exoneration of Jews
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says ‘clarity and courage will strengthen the relations between Jews and Christians’ in letter on Holy Father’s new book
Israel’s prime has minister thanked Pope Benedict XVI for stating explicitly the Jewish people were not responsible for the death of Jesus.
In his new book, Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week the Holy Father says there is no theological basis to the ancient claim, which has been used to fuel anti-Semitism.The Second Vatican Council made the same declaration, in 1965.
In a letter to the Vatican, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the Holy Fathers words.
“I commend you for forcefully rejecting in your recent book a false charge that has been a foundation for the hatred of the Jewish people for many centuries,” he said.
Mr Netanyahi said he hoped the Pope’s ‘clarity and courage will strengthen the relations between Jews and Christians throughout the world, and help promote peace and reconciliation for generations to come.’