BY Martin Dunlop | February 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Scottish debut for new Plainsong Mass
The Schola of the London Oratory School bring composer Roxanna Panufink’s work to Glasgow and Edinburgh
The Scottish premiere of Schola Missa de Angelis, a new Mass setting by acclaimed composer Roxanna Panufink will take place at St Aloysius Church, Glasgow, at the beginning of next month.
The performance, on Saturday March 5 at 7.30pm, will be part of a concert of choral music given by leading boys choir, the London Oratory School Schola.
The Mass, which had its world premiere last May in London, is based on the original plainsong Mass—the Missa de Angelis—which has been in use on the Catholic Church for centuries.
“It’s a major liturgical music milestone,” Lee Ward, musical director of the schola, said.“The composer has retained the plainsong melodies from the original ninth century Mass, bringing the text vividly to life with her own distinctive harmonic palette.”
In addition to performing in the Mass debut in Scotland, the choir has been invited by eminent Scottish Catholic composer James MacMillan—whose music will be performed at the St Aloysius Mass—to sing at 11am Mass at St Columba’s Church, Glasgow on Sunday March 6. The same evening at 5pm they will perform at a concert at the Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston, Edinburgh.
There will be no admission cost to any of the events and all are welcome to attend.
Picture: Paul Flanagan
Roxanna Panufnik (above) with The London Oratory School Schola trebles.