BY Ryan McDougall | December 20 | 0 COMMENTS

Scotland’s newest priest ‘felt God’s grace’ at his ordination
Scotland's newest priest ‘felt God’s presence’ as he was ordained, stating he is thankful for the Lord’s grace on the lead-up to and throughout the day.
Fr Jude Mukoro was ordained in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, by Bishop Stephen Robson on Saturday December 14, making him the newest priest both for the diocese and the country.
His ordination was attended by priests and parishioners from across the diocese and from around the world including Germany and Nigera, his home country.
Following his ordination, Fr Mukoro told the SCO: “I felt God’s grace strongly. My ordination lasted nearly three hours but it went by very quickly. Some people stayed on for the blessing and drinks afterwards, so people gave more than five hours of their day to see it, which means a lot to me.
Father figure
“It was beautiful having Bishop Stephen Robson ordain me—he has been a father figure for me in my formation.
“In his homily he spoke about the inner transformation that happens when someone becomes a priest, something the eyes don’t see.”
After completing his studies at St Mary’s College, Oscott, Birmingham, Fr Mukoro served as a deacon for six months at St Columba’s Church in Cupar, a memory Fr Mukoro will cherish for helping him gain the experience he will carry through to serving as a priest.
Reflecting on his time at St Columba’s, he said: “It was a very good time for me because it gave me a lot of pastoral exposure that you might not get in seminary.
“As a deacon I could do a lot more, like read the Gospel and preach. It gave me experience I needed. It was a good time for me.”
He said St Columba’s parish priest, Mgr Patrick McInally, was also a father figure for him, adding he is ‘very kind’ and that he helped the parish bond through various pilgrimages.
Willingness to learn
Fr Mukoro will serve as an assistant priest in St Mary’s Church, Lochee, Dundee. First, however, he returned to his home country of Nigeria to celebrate his first Mass in the parish where he grew up.
Asked what it takes to be a good priest, Fr Mukoro stated: “Like all professions, you need a good will, the ability and desire to do your best to constantly improve, and the willingness to learn from mistakes.”
Fr Mukoro offered advice to others who may be considering the priesthood.
He said: “In my opinion, I think the first thing is to recognise that vocations are a grace, not something you can conjure. The Grace of God prepares you for it. You have to recognise that and stay close to the source of grace.
“The second this is you must approach it with a sense of freedom, willing to let go of it if it’s not in line with the will of God.”