December 13 | 0 COMMENTS

Former Anglican vicar who converted becomes Scotland’s newest priest
A former Anglican clergyman has been ordained a Catholic priest at St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh, becoming Scotland’s newest priest.
Fr David Edwardson was joined by family and friends, including wife Moira, at the Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in the city centre.
In his homily, Archbishop Cushley said: “David has arrived at this point in his life after an adventure that has seen him in various roles.
“That has included many years’ pastoral service in the Episcopal Church, and we welcome the experience that he brings with him into the service upon which he now embarks among us.
“All priests… endeavour to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, just as He followed His Father’s will perfectly, to the Cross and beyond.
“A priest serves others, not himself, but his life is also one that is full of consolation. Our life is placed at the disposal of others, just like our Master’s, but our life is also one of deep joy.”
Promised Land
He told Rev Edwardson: “You will become the channel by which the Eucharist is celebrated, as food for their journey, and as the presence of the Living Lord among His people, on their way to the Promised Land.
“This is the greatest privilege that can be bestowed on anyone here.
“Treasure, therefore, this great gift that is being entrusted to you, and strive to be faithful to it and consistent in it, both in your public and private life.
“Today you promise to consecrate your life to God for the sake of your people: do so with a full heart and with tireless patience and zeal. You will renew your promise of respect and obedience to me and my successors. This is no idle commitment, but a most solemn undertaking.
“Finally, do not fail in the important work of charity, which reveals the face of Christ, God made Man, among us, having a special care for the poor and the weak and the outcast.
“Do all these things with simplicity, in purity of heart and with openness to God’s will, and fulfil these oaths with the grace of God.”
Fr Edwardson paid tribute to those who supported him in his previous vocation as an Anglican priest and thanked the people of Kelso, where he served as a Deacon and will continue to serve as a priest.
Fr Edwardson said: “My thanks must go to Bishop Nicholas Chamberlain who, in many ways, represents my friends from my Anglican days. Nick supported me back then and his presence here today is much appreciated.
“I also thank the people of St Mary’s, Kelso, who are here in numbers.
“Their warm welcome, their strong Faith and love for the Church has been inspirational.”
Fr Edwardson will remain at St Mary’s in Kelso and celebrate Mass throughout the week as well as hold Bible study groups and hear confessions.
— Pick up a copy of this week’s SCO for more on Fr Edwardson’s ordination