November 8 | 0 COMMENTS

Motherwell Knights of St Columba mark their centenary with Gala ball
The Knights of Saint Columba in Province 16, Motherwell, held a Gala Ball in the Columba Club, Moodiesburn on Friday November 1, to celebrate the centenary of the founding of their Order — by Colette Cooper
Those who attended the event included the Supreme Knight and Board members of the Order. The guest list also included members of the clergy and civic leaders Provost Jean Jones and Councillor Michael McPake of North Lanarkshire Council.
The Supreme Knight, Bertie Grogan, praised the efforts of Province 16 over the past year, in which their activities included a pilgrimage to Iona and providing a 24-hour guard for the Relics of St Thérèse during their visit to Scotland.
He commented that they followed the precepts of the Order by showing Charity, Unity and Fraternity.
Papal meeting
He added: “During the Order’s centenary year, I was personally honoured by visiting Rome and meeting with Pope Francis. This is something I will never forget.”
Provost Jean Jones of North Lanarkshire spoke about the good work done by the Knights in the area and how delighted she was to be present on this special occasion.
She also presented Frank Kelly, the Provincial Grand Knight of Province 16, with a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Lourdes on behalf of North Lanarkshire Council.
Bishop Joseph Toal of Motherwell said: “I am happy to support the Knights and congratulate them on achieving their Centenary.
“The men of the Order do great work in this Diocese and indeed throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. They must be particularly commended for their efforts during the visit of the Relics to Scotland.
“It is nice to see members of the Civic Council here tonight. They have a busy time ahead of them in December. We need people to take part in public life.”
God’s blessing
Addressing the Knights, he added: “In this, your centenary year, I ask for God’s continued blessings on your work.”
Provincial Grand Knight Frank Kelly thanked all who attended the Ball and said the Order had provided day and night security for the Relics of St Thérèse totalling 55 hours during the visit.
He also thanked Provost Jones for the gift of the statue and commented that it would have a place of honour within the Province 16 area.