BY Peter Diamond | September 20 | 0 COMMENTS

The most important thing a Catholic teacher can be is an ‘ambassador for Christ,’ archbishop says
THE most important thing a Catholic teacher can be is an ‘ambassador for Christ,’ the Archbishop of St Andrew’s & Edinburgh told newly qualified Catholic teachers last week.
New teachers at Catholic schools met at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh for a day of tips and guidance before Mass in St Margaret’s Chapel, celebrated by Archbishop Leo Cushley.
“It’s always a pleasure to welcome the newly graduated teachers who are going to work in our Catholic schools,” Archbishop Cushley said.
“It’s a chance to get to know them, to pray with them and help finalise their preparations for going out as ambassadors because, as far as we’re concerned, the most important thing they will do is be ambassadors for Christ.”
Archbishop Cushley added: “We look forward to supporting them in this important mission.”
The day was organised by Eileen Rafferty, RE advisor for schools, who helped highlight to the 26 teachers attending that the example they set is ‘important and influential.’
“We looked at the charter for Catholic Schools and the implications for their daily practice,” she said.
“It was important to highlight that the way we conduct ourselves and the example we set can be as important and influential to children and fellow staff as what we actually teach.
“The teachers gave positive feedback, saying the day helped enhanced their skills and increase their confidence and that’s what we in the St Andrews & Edinburgh Archdiocese strive to do.”
Fr Nick Welsh, head of schools for the archdiocese, was also in attendance for the day and concelebrated the Mass with the Archbishop.
Michael Kavanagh, a new teacher at St Agatha’s Primary School in Leven said: “It’s not just about literacy and numeracy, it’s to help [the pupils] be better people using the morals and values the Catholic Church teaches.”
Ben Lester, a new teacher at St Modan’s High, Stirling, said: “I’ve noticed a real sense of community in Catholic schools, so that’s something I’m really looking forward to being involved in.”