BY Ryan McDougall | August 30 | 0 COMMENTS

Kill all Catholics sticker reflects disturbing attitudes, Church says
A sticker posted on a busy Glasgow city centre street which called for 'taigs' to be murdered reflects a 'disturbing and hateful attitude towards Catholics,' the Church has said.
The sticker reads ‘kill all taigz’ and was posted on a lamppost on Buchanan Street.
‘Taig’ is a slur aimed at Catholics, particularly those of Irish descent.
Paul Davis reported the sticker to Glasgow City Council and it has now been removed.
‘Appalling’ act
Mr Davis said: “When you actually see something as extreme as ‘kill all taigz’ in such a prominent place you think to yourself, ‘that’s absolutely appalling.’
“I walked past it at first, but then thought to get a picture of it. I saw maybe half a dozen people just walk by it who either didn’t notice or bother with it.
“I don’t know why absolutely no one else seemed to care about it.
“I like to be optimistic and think that most people are generally good, but I do think this sort of sectarianism has maybe got a wee bit worse recently, and it’s concerning that it was placed in such a busy place and no one picked up on it sooner. It could have been there for ages.”
‘Disturbing and hateful’
A spokesperson for the Church in Scotland said: “The violent and threatening language on display reflects a disturbing and hateful attitude towards Catholics.
“Catholics make up 27 per cent of the population in Glasgow and their right to live free from fear, prejudice and discrimination must be upheld.”
A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said it was ‘appalled’ by the sticker and that the local authority ‘spends millions of pounds every year removing graffiti, stickers, fly-posting.’
Perpetrators should be ‘ashamed’
“Glasgow City Council takes a zero tolerance approach to sectarianism in all its forms and works with partners to stamp it out,” they added.
“This includes encouraging people to report religious based hate crimes and educating our young people about diversity, equality and inclusion.
“This behaviour is not acceptable and we aim to remove sectarian graffiti within two days of it being reported.
“As for the sticker itself, the council is appalled by it. Those responsible should be utterly ashamed. There is absolutely no need for it in this day and age.”