BY Peter Diamond | August 2 | 0 COMMENTS

High abortion figures inspire new Dundee pregnancy and parenthood support group
A new support group has been launched in Dundee, reflecting the Church's teaching that 'every human life has intrinsic value' and deserves 'equal love and protection.'
Backed by Bishop Stephen Robson of Dunkeld Diocese, the new group, Dundee Pregnancy and Parenthood Support (DPAPS) group, will be based in the pastoral centre of the diocese.
The group has drawn inspiration from SPUC, The Innocents, and latterly the 40 Days for Life Campaign by Glasgow Archdiocese, but has been galvanised by the latest abortion figures in Dundee.
DPAPS aims to provide companionship at appointments and help women access benefits and financial assistance. Where issues go beyond what DPAPS can offer at the moment, they can liaise with other crisis pregnancy and post-abortion counselling groups as well as established groups in Dundee that provide assistance for families.
Shocking figures
A spokeswoman for the DPAPS said: “Our own Tayside region again had the highest rate [of abortions] per capita with a total of 1170 abortions being carried out in 2018, a rate of 15.5 per 1,000 women (aged 15-44).
“The increasing number of abortions performed in Scotland, and in particular in Dundee, serve as a stark reminder that our lovely city is well and truly caught up in the culture of death lamented by St Pope John Paul II.
“After a year liaising with crisis pregnancy groups in both Glasgow and London, pro-life advocates from Dundee have started to build a framework for our own voluntary organisation—Dundee Pregnancy and Parenthood Support (DPAPS).
“The initial aim at DPAPS was to offer help to women facing an unintended pregnancy.
Further support
“It has quickly become apparent that our support is needed beyond this initial stage. Moreover, this reflects the Church’s teaching that every human life has intrinsic value and is deserving of equal love and protection.
“With that belief at the core of our work, DPAPS aims to provide help that will facilitate the important role of parenthood and support those nurturing life at every stage of development.”
Bishop’s backing
DPAPS has also paid tribute to Bishop Robson for making the diocese pastoral centre available.
“With the financial assistance of the Diocese of Dunkeld, and in particular the unswerving support of Bishop Stephen Robson, DPAPS will widen the pro-life witness in our Diocese by reintroducing a practical pro-life support group,” the spokeswoman said.
The group will also help women with the supply of baby equipment and clothing.
Step in the right direction
Bishop Robson said: “I think this is a very good step forward for us. We have a strong pro-life presence in the Diocese of Dunkeld, with some very dedicated volunteers.
“I hope this will help women who find themselves pregnant, especially through extraordinary circumstances and receive the help they need with their pregnancy.
“I hope these women will benefit from a listening ear from the excellent staff at Dundee Pregnancy and Parenthood Support (DPAPS) group.”
Call for aid
DPAPS is looking for donations of baby equipment or clothes; volunteers to knit baby blankets and clothing; and, most of all, prayers to help build the ‘Culture of Life’ in Dundee.
Michael Robinson, director of communications for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Scotland said: “SPUC warmly welcomes and congratulates the establishment of DPAPS, in association with the Diocese of Dunkeld.
“DPAPS sends a clear message to society and pro-abortion advocates that the pro-life movement is built and sustained by love and compassion.
‘Always a better choice’
“We know pregnant women need support and care and believe there is always a better choice for them than abortion.
“DPAPS will contribute to this greatly by catering to the financial, emotional and practical needs of pregnant mothers.”
Last year the number of abortions in Scotland was at a 10-year high, with 13,286 terminations, a rate of 12.9 per 1,000 women (aged 15- 44).
If you have any enquiries regarding DPAPS you can visit their Facebook page at Dundee Pregnancy and Parenthood Support, or call 07453 784295