BY Bridget Orr | January 27 2011 | 0 COMMENTS print
Catholic journalist shot in the Phillipines
Publication Date: 2011-01-27
Justice and peace groups have condemned the ‘increase in crime and violence’ that led to the killing of Catholic broadcaster and human rights activist Dr Gerry Ortega (above) in the Philippines on Monday.
Days before Dr Ortega’s death, Filipino bishops warned of increased crime and violence affecting journalists, religious men and women, activists, trade unionists, lawyers and those defending the rights of the poorest and most marginalized of people.
“Today, we mourn the death of another fervent servant of the people, Dr Ortega,” Terry Ridon, League of Filipino Students official at a candlelight vigil in Quezon City. “At a very young age, he has seen the need for a people’s movement for change.”
In his radio programmes, veterinary doctor Dr Ortega, 47, campaigned to protect the indigenous communities on Palawan Island from devastation by mining large projects authorised by the central and provincial Philippine Governments.
Multinationals including MacroAsia are currently constructing roads on the island in order to open mines and quarries, following a right of extraction agreement from the government.
Dr Ortega is survived by his wife Patty and their five children.