BY Amanda Connelly | June 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Glasgow Passionist makes final profession at St Mungo’s
Trinity Sunday marked an important day in the Faith life of a Glasgow Religious, as he made his final vows as a Brother last week.
Br Antony Connelly made his Perpetual, or Final, Profession as a Passionist Brother at St Mungo’s Church in Townhead, Glasgow.
Gathering for the celebration of Mass on Sunday June 16, Trinity Sunday, Br Connelly had his vows received by the Passionist Provincial, Fr Jim Sweeney CP, while parish priest of St Mungo’s, Fr Frank Keevins, concelebrated the Mass.
A number of his family members looked on, in what was a momentous and joyful occasion for Br Antony.
Lifelong commitment
“It was a very beautiful occasion,” Br Antony said. “Obviously it’s committing to the Passionist congregation for the rest of my life.”
Br Antony noted that the profession made a significant impact on those who were gathered there.
“I had a lot of feedback from people who were there, who found the particular Rite of Profession to be very moving,” he said.
“Part of it is where I prostrate, lie flat on the ground, while the Litany of Saints is sung. Then there’s a crown of thorns, and a Cross put on my shoulder—symbols of the Passion (right).
“Visually, it’s a very powerful ceremony and it seems to have really touched a lot of people deeply and inspired them in their own Faith.
“So as a public ceremony in the Church it’s a great thing, but for me personally it’s another step on the journey.
“It’s a big step because it’s a lifetime commitment now. As married couples make their vows before each other, now my vows were public before the Church, and I’m firmly committed to them.”
The Passionists were founded by St Paul of the Cross in 1720, with its members placing special devotion to the Passion of Our Lord.
They take four vows, including to keep alive the memory of the Passion, poverty, chastity and obedience.
Following the Mass and final profession, Br Antony was joined in the church hall by family, friends, and parishioners, including young people from the Passionist youth team in the parish, with which Br Antony is involved.