BY Daniel Harkins | May 24 | 0 COMMENTS

Bishop meets council over education rep voting van
Bishop Stephen Robson of Dunkeld has met with Perth and Kinross Council after the SCO revealed Church concern over a decision to remove voting rights from religious reps on education committees.
In April, Perth and Kinross become the first authority in Scotland to withdraw voting rights from church representatives appointed to sit on council committees.
The decision came after the closure of a Kinross-shire non-denominational primary school last month, which was swung by the votes of two religious members of the Lifelong Learning Committee.
Margaret MacFarlane, the Roman Catholic representative on the committee, missed the vote due to illness—but the Church has stressed it would not have voted on the measure in any case.
Legislation in Scotland states that there must be three church representatives appointed to positions on local authority committees.
The Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) said that Catholic representatives are only elected to serve on councils ‘where Catholic schools are present’ and only vote ‘on matters which affect Catholic schooling’ and called the council decision ‘disproportionate.’
Following a meeting to discuss the ban, Bishop Robson said: “The outcome of the meeting was both cordial and fruitful.
“Both parties are moving forwards to engage in a meaningful collaboration, working to strengthen our mutual partnership in support of Catholic Education.