BY Ryan McDougall | May 10 | 0 COMMENTS

Schoolboy is SCIAF’s 6K charity fun run winner
SCIAF’s annual 6K fun run was won this year by a 14-year-old from Glasgow who crossed the finish line in under 25 minutes.
Michael Nolan, who trains three times a week, took on fierce competition at the Strathclyde Country Park race on Saturday May 4.
He said he was happy with his victory, and spoke of his long-term support for SCIAF’s annual race.
“I like SCIAF—I think it’s a good thing. This is the third time I’ve done the race so obviously it’s become quite a big part of my life,” Michael said.
Future races
Michael, a pupil at St Ninian’s High School in Giffnock, hopes to compete in future SCIAF fun runs, and was joined by his mum, aunt and cousin in this year’s race.
The money raised will go towards the world’s poorest people in 27 countries that are affected by hunger, poverty, war and natural disasters.
The 6K race is inspired by the distance most women and children in the developing world walk for water.
In second place this year was 10-year-old Cahal McAtarsney, and 34-year-old Catherine McKelvie came in third.
Ricky Ross
Also competing was Deacon Blue star Ricky Ross, who ran the course with his son.
‘SCIAF’s 6k was great fun and there was such a brilliant atmosphere all the way round the course,” he said.
“It really makes you feel like you’re making a difference and helping the people who need it most.”
The racers were given the green light by Bishop Joseph Toal of Motherwell. The bishop said: “It’s fantastic to see so many people at this great event.
“The money raised will assist with SCIAF’s vital work helping so many of our poorest brothers and sisters around the world.”