April 19 | 0 COMMENTS

SCIAF granted audience with the Pope to discuss child trafficking
The work of SCIAF and other Catholic organisations to eradicate human trafficking has been recognised by Pope Francis at a special conference on the issue.
The pontiff thanked the many religious congregations, stating efforts to protect survivors and prosecute offenders were ‘worthy of admiration.’
Around 200 experts from around the world gathered at the conference in Rome to discuss the best ways to implement new guidelines from the Vatican on how to improve the Church’s work in addressing human trafficking.
SCIAF was represented by programme officer Sadie Scullion, who works on the organisation’s projects to prevent women and child trafficking in towns and cities along India’s border with Nepal.
She was granted an audience with Pope Francis, and said of the meeting: “It was just so awe-inspiring, and you just get a sense of a great amount of love, genuine compassion and also the appreciation that he felt for the work that had been done. It’s something I’ll never forget.”
Pope Francis has been vocal about the issue of human trafficking, stating that the practice is an ‘open wound on the body of contemporary society.’
It’s hoped this conference will help bolster work already being done on the issue.
Ms Scullion added: “Having the Pope’s gaze on human trafficking gives a lot of hope to people.
“It gives hope to people who have been trafficked and to people working in the area. It will move things on and drive things forward.”
To support SCIAF’s work visit www.sciaf.org.uk