BY Daniel Harkins | July 19 | 0 COMMENTS

Orange walk that was set to pass attacked priest’s church is called off
An Orange walk that was poised to pass the same Church where a Catholic priest was recently verbally and physically attacked has been called off.
The parade was scheduled to march past St Alphonsus’ Church in the east end of Glasgow on Saturday July 21, but has been postponed following discussions between Glasgow City Council and the Orange Lodge of Scotland.
Canon Tom White, parish priest of St Alphonsus’, was speaking with parishioners following Mass on July 7 when he was twice spat upon by a man who lunged at him with a pole, and called him a ‘Fenian’ and a ‘paedophile.’
Last week, Glasgow City Council leader Susan Aitken said she had ‘made it clear to officers that the council is prepared to take whatever steps were necessary to ensure those marches do not pass the scene of Saturday’s incident.’
Following the discussion with the Orange Lodge, a council spokeswoman said: “Council officers had a productive meeting with the organisers. We will continue to engage with both the organisers and the church community—but have agreed that the planned procession will not take place on Saturday.”
A spokesman from the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland said: “We welcome the opportunity to continue positive dialogue with Glasgow City Council, the police, and other stakeholders regarding future parades.
“We should be looking forward, not back, and our lodges therefore took the decision to postpone the parade due to take place this Saturday, therefore allowing some additional time over those discussions which would give everyone the opportunity to look at matters from a fresh, forward thinking perspective.
“The Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland fully supports this decision.”