July 5 | 0 COMMENTS

Aberdeen’s triple ordination signals ‘promising future’
At 6pm tomorrow, Friday July 6, Aberdeen Diocese will celebrate three ordinations—two priests and a permanent deacon—in St Mary’s Cathedral.
Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen said the ordinations pointed to a promising future.
“It is the first time in many years that it has been possible to celebrate a triple ordination,” he said. “It points to a promising future. I look forward to being joined by Bishop Emeritus Peter Moran and Bishop Stephen Robson of Dunkeld, and by many of the faithful and clergy of the diocese as well as friends and family of the ordinands. May the Lord pour out His Spirit on these chosen men and on all of us.”
Ahead of the ordinations, the three men spoke about their vocations.
Deacon Emmet O’Dowd
During the Rite of Ordination, the bishop prays: “May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfilment.” These words capture my journey so far, as it didn’t begin with me, nor did I begin it intentionally. God’s call has taken me from Ireland to Aberdeen, and Inverness, and Rome, and now finally back to Aberdeen to be ordained a priest.
This encounter with Christ and the ‘good work’ it has begun has brought me a sense of interior freedom, peace, and joy. Ordination is not the end of the journey, just the beginning of the next chapter, which God will ‘bring to fulfilment’ as only He knows how.
Deacon Rafal Szweda
I give thanks to God for the gift of vocation to priesthood. It took me some time to discover and understand that gift—I approach the ordination at the age of 38. Since childhood I had the feeling that God was calling me to serve Him in a special way but it was in Elgin that I understood that God is not only calling me to be a priest but specifically to be a priest in Scotland.
Some time ago someone asked me: why do you want to be a priest? The answer was actually very simple: because since I have discovered that this is what God wants me to do, I just cannot do anything else and still be truly happy. I simply understood that my happiness lies in doing the will of God and serving His people.
As a priest I will be sent to serve the people of God and my only desire is to bring them closure to God and to bring God’s mercy to everyone I ever meet.
Douglas Duncan
As we near the day of ordination, I look back at the last five years of studies with satisfaction having achieved with the help of God more than originally expected.
The journey has taken several interesting turnings due to work and family commitments, and what at one stage seemed a lifetime away has come round very quickly.
There have been highs and lows and during the Malaviya Seven saga [Mr Duncan is a port chaplain for the Apostleship of the Sea, who helped the seven stranded sailors]. Here in the Aberdeen port it meant burning the midnight candle although it helped me focus on my vocation which is that to serve particularly those in need.