BY Daniel Harkins | June 14 | 0 COMMENTS

National schools Mass cancelled as Storm Hector causes chaos
A national Mass to celebrate the centenary of state-funded Catholic schools has been cancelled due to today’s extreme weather.
The Mass had been due to take place in Falkirk Stadium today, June 14, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Education (Scotland) Act 1918, which brought Catholic schools into the state system.
More than 8,000 pupils were expected to take part, with all of Scotland’s bishop’s in attendance. The event was to be live streamed online for schools that couldn’t make it to the event.
However, organisers woke up this morning to high winds and transport chaos across the country as a result of Storm Hector. The Met Office has issued a yellow ‘be aware’ warning until 15:00 with wind gusting up to 70mph expected in some areas.
Barbara Coupar, the director of the Scottish Catholic Education Service, said: “It is with great regret that, due to storm hector and the exceptional winds, for health and safety reasons, the national schools Mass at Falkirk Stadium has been cancelled. We would ask schools currently travelling to return… do not make your way to the stadium.”
On Twitter, Glasgow Archdiocese wrote: “National schools Mass today at Falkirk cancelled due to health and safety fears because of weather.”
Disappointed pupils and staff have begun making the journey home.