BY Ian Dunn | October 27 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope gives thanks Scottish Catholics and Protestants have outgrown ‘centuries of conflict’
The Holy Father meet the Moderator of the General Assembly, Right Rev Dr Derek Browning yesterday and told him the two denominations enjoyed a relationship of 'mutual understanding, trust and cooperation'.
Pope Francis said that he thanked the Lord ‘for the great gift of being able to live this year in true fraternity, no longer as adversaries, after long centuries of estrangement and conflict’.
“This has been possible, with God’s grace, by the ecumenical journey that has enabled us to grow in mutual understanding, trust and cooperation,” he said. ” The past cannot be changed, yet today we at last see one another as God sees us.”
The two delegations exchanged gifts and Dr Browning said he and Pope Francis led the Scottish delegation group jointly in saying the Lord’s Prayer together.
“It was one of those wonderful moments of unity which reaches across our denominations and reminds us of the centrality of our faith based on Jesus of Nazareth,” said the Moderator.“The interview was not all seriousness and there was a lot of laughter and fun. The Pope noticed my socks and commented that I was certainly more colourfully dressed in my footwear.”