October 13 | 0 COMMENTS

Priest and teacher go the extra mile for Mary’s Meals
It proved to be second time lucky for one Glasgow parish priest and a Catholic school teaching, as they cross the finish line for the second time to raise money for Scottish charity Mary’s Meals.
Fr John McGrath, parish priest at St Aloysius’ Church in Springburn, ran this year’s Glasgow half marathon along with the depute headteacher of St Martha’s Primary School, Frank Keenan, in order to raise money for the fantastic cause.
Both thought they had completed the race last year, but later learned that organisers had miscalculated the distance, with the course’s finishing line set 150 metres shy of the 13.1-mile distance.
However, this year’s event went off without a hitch, and both Fr McGrath and Mr Keenan braved the pouring rain to triumphantly cross the finish line in just under two hours.
They raised an incredible £1,233 for Mary’s Meals as a result of their efforts, thanks to the generosity of many kind-hearted donors.
Keen athletes Fr McGrath and Mr Keenan go out running three times a week, which initially began simply as way to keep fit, before they successfully tackled the Glasgow charity effort.
Fr McGrath expressed how ‘absolutely delighted’ they were to have raised the fantastic total, and praised the dedicated work of Mary’s Meals.
“They just do so many wonderful things with such little resources,” he said. “They can feed children for such a small amount, yet we can raise so much and then go so much further.”
– To donate to Fr McGrath and Mr Keenan’s campaign, visit: www.staloysiusspringburn.rcglasgow.org.uk