September 8 | 0 COMMENTS

Scotland’s newest priest urges others to put their fears aside and let God guide them to the priesthood
Scotland’s newest priest has urged men not to be afraid that they are not good enough to serve the Lord, and to let God guide them to the priesthood.
Fr Sean Wyllie was ordained to the priesthood on September 8 at St Patrick’s Church, Shieldmuir.
Having felt the call to serve God at a young age, it was a particular realisation that helped Fr Wyllie overcome any fears of not being good enough to be a priest.
Speaking as he prepared for ordination, Fr Wyllie said: “As I approach ordination I am conscious of the many challenges we face, but a response I will make to one of the bishop’s questions to me at the ordination is ‘I am with the help of God.
“It was only after the realisation that I am an instrument being used by God that the fears I had of not being holy enough or good enough—fears I had from the age of eight when I first felt called to be a priest—all disappeared.
“Walking with Him, speaking to Him, and listening to Him every day is what will make me a good priest.
“The words of Pope Benedict XVI, after his election as Pope in 2005, ring true for me too. He said: ‘The fact that the Lord knows how to act even with inadequate instruments comforts me.’”
Fr Wyllie praised the wonderful formative experience he had at Oscott, where he was part of a ‘very dynamic community.’
He said seminarians did lots of pastoral work, and there was an importance placed on liturgy, community life, and deepening their relationship with God and Our Lady.
“There was always something going on which really built up a strong community; a spiritual brotherhood,” he said.
“We were all so very different in many ways but we had a common desire to fulfil that calling to serve God and His people as priests in our world today.
“Our formation was very much focused on the four dimensions given by Pope John Paul II: the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral. All four have helped shape me and God willing, that dynamic formation will bear fruit in my future ministry as a priest.
He spoke of how ‘blessed’ he feels to be called to the priesthood, and hopes it can encourage other men.
“The Lord calls men who are very different,” he said. “I think Oscott certainly is an example of that, but He calls all of them to serve him and His people in love. I feel so blessed that He has called me to serve Him as a priest. I pray and hope that this gives other guys out there who are thinking about the priesthood the confidence they need to have courage to step out and answer the Lord’s call to serve Him.
“You feel Him guiding you every step of the way—if you let Him.”