BY Amanda Connelly | August 25 | 0 COMMENTS

Thistle without thorn: a new name for the Virgin Mary?
A Glasgow priest has proposed a new title for Our Lady to mark Scotland’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary next weekend.
Fr Joseph Sullivan, parish priest of Holy Cross in Croy, suggested that to mark the September 3 consecration of Scotland to Mary’s Immaculate Heart at Carfin Grotto, Our Lady could be given the new title of ‘onopordum sine spina,’ or ‘thistle without thorn.’
“Clearly Our Lady is already hailed as ‘Rosa sine spina (Rose without a thorn), and so it would not be such a big step to describe Our Lady as a ‘thistle without thorn,’” Fr Sullivan said. “The national flower of Scotland has a long history of protecting Scotland against an enemy. Our Lady as ‘thistle without thorn’ would also be a protectoress.
“For us, the enemy would not be Viking of yore but would be ‘sin and death,’ which are far more dangerous,” he said. “Our Blessed Mother would be a warning against approaching sin and not so much against the threatening Danes.
“Mary in her assumption would show that the last question mark of death is not to be faced by us, as cosmic orphans. Our ‘big sister in the Faith’ has already faced the end of her earthly life. In her, we have a safe flower to cling to: ‘thistle without thorn.’”
“The timing of this suggestion obviously coincides with the consecration of Scotland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” he added. “This would mean that whenever and wherever we see the Scottish thistle we would be reminded, yes, of Scotland’s proud heritage, but more importantly of Our Blessed Mother keeping us safe.”