March 31 | 0 COMMENTS

Political parties unite in support of Oscar Romero
Nationalist and unionist MSPs in Scotland have united this week to back a call for the blessed Oscar Romero to be canonised.
A motion put forward by Labour’s Neil Findlay noted that March 24 was the 27th anniversary of the day on which Oscar Romero was assassinated while conducting a church service.
“[We] consider that the example of Oscar Romero, who was the Archbishop of El Salvador and a champion of the poor and a voice for those without a voice, is one that should inspire people of all faiths and none,” the motion reads, “believes that the example of his life and work has motivated people across the world, and considers that the much prayed and hoped for canonisation of this spiritual and courageous man would bring his example to people everywhere.”
The motion was also backed by Labour’s Jenny Marra and Elaine Smith, the Green’s Andy Wightman and the SNP’s Kenneth Gibson and John Mason.
Mr Findlay told the SCO that he was inspired to pen the motion by a visiting Mexican priest. “I was in my parish, St John the Baptist in Faulhouse,” he said. “And sometimes I’m not as engaged with the sermon as I could be, but this was the best sermon I’ve heard in decades—and it was all about Oscar Romero, and that really resonated me. I was talking about it with a friend of mine who works at SCIAF and it came from there really.”
Last week Pope Francis told the bishops of El Salvador about ‘his warmth and affection’ for Blessed Romero, and said ‘it would be very good if the places associated with Romero—his relics, the place where he was killed and where he was born—would become places of pilgrimage.”
The Vatican is currently studying a reported miracle that would pave the way for the blessed Oscar Romero to be canonised.