March 31 | 0 COMMENTS

Sr Stacey takes her final vows at ‘beautiful’ Mass
By Amanda Connelly
Hundreds of parishioners, clergy and supporters from across the UK filled St Gerard’s Church in Bellshill on Saturday afternoon to join in prayerful celebration as Sr Stacey Cameron took her final vows as a Sister of St Peter Claver.
The sun shone on what was a beautiful day for Sr Stacey, as she took her vows as part of a special and ‘amazingly beautiful’ Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Toal, who was joined on the altar by a number of other priests across the diocese.
Sr Stacey was supported on the day by friends, family and her colleagues from Missio Scotland—where she works as mission formation co-ordinator—including Missio diocesan directors Fr David Connor from Argyll and the Isles and Fr Mike Freyne from Dunkeld.
Also present were her fellow sisters from the nearby St Peter Claver Convent House in Bellshill, and fellow Claverian sisters who had travelled to be at the special day from England, Ireland and Rome.
Originally from Burnbank but now living in Bellshill, Sr Stacey’s work as mission formation co-ordinator involves developing Missio’s outreach to adults and young people and contributing to their formation as missionary disciples. Prior to her work at Missio, she spent seven years as a novice in the congregation’s generalate in Rome, before going on to study at the Angelicum University.
After spending almost a year in Brazil, she then worked as a lay chaplain for two years at Perth’s Kilgraston School. Since joining the congregation in 2003, she has been living as part of an international community, something she finds to be ‘life-giving’ and ‘gives her a great sense of the life of the universal Church.’
The celebrations continued with a gathering for those present in the nearby St Gerard’s Primary School hall.
“I found it a really moving service,” Gerard Gough, communications officer at Missio Scotland, said.
“I was absolutely delighted for Sr Stacey because she’s a really prayerful and faithful person, in both her profession and her work at Missio Scotland. It was an honour to be invited along and we hope that we are blessed with her input into Missio Scotland for many years to come.”
Bishop Joseph Toal thanked everyone for coming along, and the congregation joined in congratulating Sr Stacey with a round of applause.
—This story ran in full in the March 31 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.