February 3 | 0 COMMENTS

School celebrates 80th with RE exhibit
By Shannon McGurin
Holyrood RC Secondary School in Glasgow continued its 80th anniversary celebrations with the launch of an exhibition in Scotland Street Museum.
Public displays will take place over the next five months and will focus on Religious Education in a faith school.
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow (right, bottom) opened the first display on Tuesday January 31 at 12pm. The exhibit will run until Thursday February 16 and will focus on Religious Education in a faith school.
The exhibit will explain how faith is taught in the classroom and also discuss faith in action with input from charities including Mary’s Meals and SCIAF. The event also looks at how Catholic education has evolved since 1936 and responded to the changes and demands of society.
Holyrood Secondary School is based in the Southside of Glasgow and is one of the largest schools in Europe.
The school has many events planned to celebrate its 80th anniversary including a special Mass celebrated in Holy Cross church in June by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia.
Entry is free for the Holyrood exhibition. For further information telephone 0141 287 0500.
—This story ran in full in the February 3 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.