BY Daniel Harkins | December 29 | 0 COMMENTS

Poll shows 38 per cent support for removing religious observance in schools
The Scottish Catholic Education Service has stressed that the majority of Scots support religious observance after survey shows objections
The Church in Scotland has stressed that the majority of Scots support religious observance in schools after a poll found large support for removing the practice.
A YouGov poll for The Times found 24 per cent back the current school system of religious observation, where children can opt out with parent’s permission, with 11 per cent believing that religious observance should be compulsory without the right to opt out. However, 38 per cent of adults said that there ‘should not be a place for worship in the education system,’ while 17 per cent said they would prefer observance to continue with children given the right to opt out without parental consent.
The Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) told The Times that the results ‘indicated that a strong majority considered religious observance to be a valuable contribution to Scottish schools.’
“Religious observance is one of the many ways that schools celebrate their local and national identity,” the spokeswoman for SCES said. “It reflects the diverse, multicultural and inter-religious nature of Scottish society.
“Religious observance is when people of all faiths and none can come together—in a Catholic school through payer and liturgy, in a non-denominational school by means of a time of reflection—as a community in an inclusive, positive atmosphere. As the poll suggests, this is something valued in Scotland.”
All schools in Scotland are legally required to provide religious observance. The Scottish Government is currently reviewing that policy after lobbying from secular groups and a UN committee’s report highlighting children’s lack of ability to opt out without parental consent.