December 16 | 0 COMMENTS

Thief causes £5000 of damage to Paisley’s St Mirin’s Cathedral
£5000 pounds of damage was caused at St Mirin’s Cathedral in Paisley last week by a thief stealing a collection box containing just £50.
Cathedral administrator Fr Oliver Freney discovered someone had taken the box filled with donations left by parishioners lighting a candle in memory of loved ones.
Expensive candelabras attached to the box were badly damaged as the entire area, attached to a large unit surrounded by the lights, was pulled apart by the thief trying to take the box. The damage will require £5,000 worth of repairs.
Fr Freney noted that he ‘found it very sad’ that someone felt the need to cause such damage for such little money, and would rather if anyone was struggling they spoke to the priest in person for help.
“People that attend the church are in a fortunate position that means that they can pop in and pray during the day when they wish,” he said. “However, someone took advantage of this kindness by vandalising the candelabras and stole the church collection. It had been emptied on the Sunday so it wouldn’t have had any more than £50 in it, however the damage to church property is amounting to up to £5000. The candelabras have been completely ruined so we won’t be able to use them and the unit has been torn apart.”
“Usually we leave the church open for people to pray, however we will need to reconsider this now. I’d prefer not to do it but action has to be taken and I don’t think people will be allowed to pop into the church for a prayer now,” he added.
Parishioners were deeply saddened by the incident, but Fr Freney hopes they can come together as a parish community to overcome this.
“When I first saw what had happened I was very upset and the people who attend the church are devastated. There are some very kind folk out there though so I hope that we can repair the church soon,” he said. “It is a minor inconvenience to us though. I feel more sorry for the person who felt the need to do this.”
A statement from the Police said: “We received a report from the priest that St Mirin’s Cathedral had been robbed. The incident is thought to have happened on Monday, December 5 between 2pm and 6pm.
“A person walked into the cathedral, which can be accessed by the public, and took the collection box attached to the prayer candles. The coins donated are so people can light a candle, so there wasn’t a lot of money in it. After removing the box from the front of the unit, £5,000 worth of damage has been caused as a result. They’ve managed to take the money box but have caused a considerable amount of wreckage in doing so.”
Police ask anyone with information to get in touch via 101 or to contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”
—This story ran in full in the December 16 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.
PHOTO: Thomas Nugent/