BY Ian Dunn | November 22 | 0 COMMENTS

Exciting new Scottish app to find Mass launches in Rome
The world’s first interactive, GPS-powered, Holy Mass and Confession finder app, which was developed in Scotland has been launched in Rome.
“This is a little bit of smart technology that could make a big impact on how the Catholic Church brings the mercy of God and the joy of the Gospel to our contemporary world,” Archbishop Cushley of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh said.
“The Catholic App” has been developed over recent months by the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh in conjunction with with Scottish technology company Musemantik. By simply pushing a button on their iPhone or tablet, the app user will be guided by GPS to their soonest or nearest Holy Mass or Confession.
“Websites are losing popularity – what is needed to engage with the mobile generation is an app that is smart and personal, an app that is like a companion, a friend that takes the initiative to inspire you – that’s the vision behind the Catholic App,” Dr Maciej Zurawski, Founder and CEO of Musemantik said.
The Edinburgh-based company now hopes that many other Catholic dioceses from around the world will purchase their new app with five other dioceses in Scotland already expressing a keen interest.
Archbishop Cushley was joined for the launch at the Vatican by Pipe Sergeant Mauro Nenci of the City of Rome Pipe Band and Monsignor Dario Viganò, Prefect of the Vatican’s newly created Secretariat for Communication.
“I congratulate Archbishop Cushley, the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh and the Catholic Church in Scotland for being so imaginative in responding to the Holy Father’s call to bring the mercy of God to modern society by means of modern communications,” Mgr Viganò said. “That’s why I’m sure that the Church in many other parts of the world will sit up and take note of this launch today.”
The Catholic App will go live in early 2017.
Read the full story behind The Catholic App in this week’s SCO available in parishes this Friday.