BY Ian Dunn | October 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Retired priest writes catechesis for prisoners
An Ayrshire priest has written the first ever book of catechesis for British Catholic prisoners.
Fr Eddie McGhee, a retired priest of Galloway Diocese, who has been a prison chaplain for over a decade, said he was moved to write Faith Inside: a Guide for Catholics in Prison after one memorable moment at Kilmarnock prison.
“It was just before Lent and I said to the boys, I’ll not be in next week because I’ve got to cover three parishes for Ash Wednesday,” he said. “And one of the guys, who always got involved when I’d been in, said ‘what’s Ash Wednesday?’ I thought, wow, I am presupposing a lot here that doesn’t exist.”
Having previously worked on an RCIA programme published by Redemptorist Publications, he wrote to them suggesting a book to teach prisoners the basics of the Faith. Having recently received a request for a book of this kind from the prison service of England and Wales, they were very receptive to the idea.
“So there are big issues facing the prisoner population,” Fr McGhee said. “Literacy obviously, but also addiction, anger management, the book is written with these things in mind.
“You know, people forget that behind the walls it’s not crimes walking about, it’s people. Yes they are people who’ve made some very bad choices but they’re still people and some of them have enormous potential.”
Fr Brian Gowans, chaplain adviser to the Scottish Prisons Service, said the book was something chaplains had needed for a long time. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about for many years,” he said. “It’s really a wonderful book, that I think can connect with those prisoners who were maybe raised Catholic and have since forgotten about it, or even those who haven’t had any connection with the Church at all before.”
The book begins with the participant’s arrest and looks towards the possibility of release and rehabilitation, taking the inmate on a journey through fundamental Christian beliefs, prayer, the sacraments, coping with death and bereavement, and preparation for release.
Speaking on behalf of Redemptorist Publications, publishing director Fr Denis McBride said that ‘the company is absolutely delighted to publish Faith Inside, especially during the Year of Mercy.’
“Its outreach to some of the most marginalised and forgotten members of society is in complete harmony, both with the original inspiration of St Alphonsus Liguori, Founder of the Redemptorists, and also with the iconic example of Pope Francis’ own concern for those in prison,” he said.
Bishop Richard Moth, liaison bishop for prisons of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, said the book ‘shows the way for anyone who is thinking seriously about the Catholic faith while they are in prison.’
“It will help them to come to a clearer understanding of the treasures of our faith and how they themselves are loved and welcomed by God and by the Catholic Community,” he said. “I am sure that it will prove to be a real blessing for all who use it.”
A formal Scottish launch of the book will take place at Kinnoull monastery in November as part of Scottish Prisoners’ Week.
—This story ran in full in the October 21 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.