September 16 | 0 COMMENTS

Archbishop appeals for more help for homeless
Archbishop Philip Tartalgia of Glasgow is calling for more support of the homeless, as the Church considers plans to convert unused land to affordable housing.
The Archbishop said he wanted Catholics ‘to take positive and generous action to assist families and individuals out of homelessness and into a home of their own where they can be safe and happy.’
Speaking after a meeting of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and representatives of the Scottish Churches Housing Action (SCHA), he said the charity reminded them that ‘homelessness remains an issue in today’s Scotland.’
Alastair Cameron, chief executive of SCHA, said homelessness was not just about sleeping rough.
“Rough sleeping is the tip of the homelessness iceberg,” he said. “Invisible to most of us are those people who sleep on sofas or are in temporary accommodation—women who have experienced domestic violence and are now in refuges, for example.” Among the iniatives supported by his charity is one that helps churches to work with social housing developers.
“We did discuss that,” Mr Cameron said. “We’ve had success with other denominations redeveloping churches that were too big, or unneeded, into social housing.”
He also warned that while published figures indicate homelessness applications to local authorities were dropping, they mask continuing problems. Nearly 30,000 people were made homeless last year, according to Shelter.
“The unmet need for affordable housing is as strong as ever,” Mr Cameron said. “We need to support the Scottish Government in their target of 50,000 new affordable homes over the next five years. But we also need to challenge cuts happening to local authorities. They have the legal duty to deal with homelessness and are struggling to meet the need.”
The SCHA works on behalf of the Catholic Church, alongside 11 other Christian denominations, on a wide range of projects to help those who do not have a home.
Miriam McHardy, the Bishops’ Conference representative on the board of Scottish Churches Housing Action, said the work of the charity ‘reminds us that Christian service must have two feet: charity or caritas, giving care and support to people who are homeless, and social justice, asking why in 21st century Scotland, too many people do not have a safe and secure home to call their own.’