September 9 | 0 COMMENTS

Paisley Diocese to start reaping the benefits of its innovative synod
Parishioners across Paisley Diocese are to get an update this weekend on an innovative diocesan synod from earlier this year.
A leaflet to be sent to all parishes says a first draft of the synod document has been sent off to Rome for approval, but work can begin on implanting the document now.
The leaflet says there were four key themes that arose from the year-long synod process: all Catholics, whether priests or people, are full members of the Church by Baptism; we need good formation; we want to be a welcoming, inclusive Church; and we want to share the Good News in the world.
It says an ‘overarching theme was to be welcoming communities, inviting everyone to be involved and reaching out to those excluded’ with synod delegates ‘concerned about young people, links between schools and parishes, families who were struggling, family members who lost their way and the poor and lonely.’
The leaflet suggests the diocese may set up an ‘implementation team’ to make the synod document a reality and it also calls for volunteers to ‘help take our diocese forward’ by getting in touch with their parish priest so that he can get in touch and, the leaflet says, ‘let us get to know you.’
—This story ran in full in the September 9 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.