August 23 | 0 COMMENTS

Fife MP helps save SSVP project
An initiative by the Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) in Fife has escaped severe recycling centre charges thanks to local MP Douglas Chapman.
by Amanda Connelly
The furniture project run by SSVP faced having to pay a substantial £100 a month for a permit to dump items from the project, when the charity had before paid a similar sum for the whole year.
Dunfermline and West Fife MP Douglas Chapman appealed to Fife Council on behalf of the volunteer-run charity, which gives furniture and electrical goods free of charge to needy families.
“I was keen to get involved to help right a wrong and make sure charities are given a fair deal,” Mr Chapman said. “This is good news from the St Vincent de Paul’s furniture project and other small not-for-profit charities which do great work across Fife.”
“Mr Chapman visited us to find out more, than raised the issue with Fife Council,” said Moira McCrae from SSVP. “We are even getting a £150 bill refunded, so we’re delighted and would like to say thanks to him.”
PIC – Douglas Chapman MP with the furniture project’s David Hunter, left, and Moira McCrae.