BY Ian Dunn | August 22 | 0 COMMENTS

Bishop Nolan gives thanks, as he recuperates from heart attack
The bishop of Galloway has thanked all who prayed for him, as he continues to recover.
Bishop William Nolan of Galloway has said the prayers of Catholics across Scotland ‘have been working, since I am feeling fine’.
The bishop who suffered a heart attack on Friday August 12, said ‘I thank everyone for their concern and prayers’ and asked for those thanks to be passed on to ‘the many people in the Diocese who have been praying for me’.
“I am very grateful to the NHS and the healthcare professionals who ensured speedy treatment,” he said. “I was taken straight to Hairmyres hospital where a team was waiting for me and immediately put a stent in the artery that had narrowed. Since then I have had no pain and I expect to make a full recovery. I was shown a before and after picture of the now unblocked artery – and if it took 60 plus years for that artery to become blocked, I am hopeful it will stay unblocked for another 60.”
The bishop said he had another appointment with the rehab nurse in six week’s time and he looked forward to getting back to work as soon as he was fully recovered.
“She does not want me to do much till then,” he said. ” I am following orders, taking it easy and gradually increasing my activity day by day. In the meantime I will stay in Motherwell to recuperate. I am sorry that I will miss the pilgrimage to Whithorn and other celebrations over the next few weeks, but I look forward to being back in the Diocese, fully fit, asap.”