BY Ian Dunn | August 10 | 0 COMMENTS

Aberdeen diocesan headquarters to move
Bishop Hugh Gilbert and the Diocese of Aberdeen have announced a move of the diocese’s curial offices.
The administrative and pastoral offices will relocate from Bishop’s House, 3 Queen’s Cross, leased to the diocese from the Society of the Sacred Heart, to 14 The Chanonry, Old Aberdeen.
An increase in rent by Aberdeen City Council, which owns bishop’s house was cited as the main reason for the move.
The new property, to be known at St Mary’s House, will act as the Aberdeen diocesan offices, as well as a location in which pastoral events can be held to accommodate both the Bishop and guests.
The estimated move-in date is around mid-October, with an application for a partial change of use to the new building, in order to better accommodate the alternations that will be necessary in order for the property to be used as the office and for diocesan staff duties.
“In recent years, Bishop’s House at Queen’s Cross has housed the diocesan offices, accommodated the bishop and his guests, and proved a popular venue for a variety of meetings and groups. It has effectively functioned as the diocesan centre. Now that a substantial rental rise is imminent, relocation has become necessary if these functions are to continue,” Bishop Gilbert said. “If the required permission for partial change of use is granted, I anticipate that St Mary’s House will indeed prove a positive alternative, and one located in the historic area of Old Aberdeen which has so many ecclesiastical connections. I am grateful to those who have devoted much time and energy to advising the diocese in this matter.”
The Chanonry is located in the heart of the Old Aberdeen area of the city, near the picturesque Seaton Park and runs on to the University of Aberdeen’s campus, where there is an active Catholic student chaplaincy.