BY Ian Dunn | August 1 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope Francis tells youth to ‘love our enemies’ at end of WYD
The Holy Father also announced the next World Youth Day will be in Panama
Yesterday The Pope encouraged hundreds of thousands of young people gathered in Kraków to ‘believe in a new humanity’ which refuses to use borders as barriers and spurns hatred among peoples.
For a second straight day, a huge crowd filled the meadow in the countryside outside Kraków for Francis, whose five-day visit to southern Poland was the Argentine pontiff’s first time in Eastern Europe. Some of the young people even camped out overnight in the field after an evening with the pope there that drew a massive crowd, estimated at 1.6 million by the World Youth Day organizers.
In the final homily of the pilgrimage, Francis said God ‘demands of us real courage, the courage to be more powerful than evil, by loving everyone, even our enemies.
Pope Francis also announced that the next World Youth Day will take place in Panama in 2019.
He made the announcement as he wrapped up this year’s global gathering of young Catholic faithful in Kraków, Poland and didn’t specify exactly where in Panama the event would be held.