July 26 | 0 COMMENTS

French priest killed in Church attack
Fr Jacques Hamel, (above), 84, was killed in a hostage-taking attack by two men near Rouen, in the north of France.
by Amanda Connelly
The attackers, who were armed, took the priest, two nuns and several parishioners hostage after entering the Saint-Etienne-de-Rouvray church during Mass.
The priest was reportedly killed after his throat was cut, before French police arrived on the scene. Gunshots were heard after the police arrived and both attackers are now dead.
At least one other hostage is being treated for injuries sustained.
“I cry out to God with all men of good will. I would invite non-believers to join in the cry,” local Archbishop Dominique Lebrun of Rouen, who is returning from World Youth Day said. “The Catholic Church cannot take weapons other than those of prayer and brotherhood among men. I leave here hundreds of young people who are the future of humanity, the true ones. I ask them not to give in to the violence and become apostles of the civilization of love.”
Father Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesperson said that Pope Francis has been told of the attack and expresses his sorrow at the act of ’absurd violence’.
“We are particularly shocked that this horrible violence occurred in a church, a sacred place where love of God is proclaimed,” said Fr Lombardi.
French President Francois Hollande and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve are en route to Saint-Etienee-de-Rouvray, where they will be briefed by the French police on the incident.
The attack comes after the recent terrorist attacks on Bastille Day in Nice, where over 80 people where killed after an Islamic State supporter ploughed into the crowds watching firework displays.