July 19 | 0 COMMENTS

Much loved Galloway priest to retire
Canon Patrick Keegans, (above) administrator at St Margaret's Cathedral in Ayr, has been forced to retire after being told he will permanently lose his voice if he does not rest it with immediate effect.
By Amanda Connelly
The priest has been advised by his consultant that his vocal cords are damaged, and rest is essential in order to preserve vocal cord function. With rest, his voice will recover but not to a level sufficient enough for public speaking, and as such he must retire from parish ministry.
Canon Keegans rose to national prominence in 1988, as he one of the first on the scene of the Lockerbie disaster, as he was serving as the parish priest in the town at the time.
Staying at 1 Sherwood Crescent, Canon Keegans survived the explosion, but his house was the only building left standing in his street after PAN AM flight 103 crahsed into the town, with his friends and neighbours among those who lost their lives.
He remained an important figure in the aftermaths of the event, helped members of the community come to terms with the tragedy, and later campaigned against Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi’s conviction, stating that he always believed al Megrahi’s innocence, and that was made a scapegoat.
Canon Keegans will remain living in the Cathedral over the summer months and oversee the administration until September 5, but will be unable to make phone calls or carry out services.