BY Ian Dunn | June 2 | 0 COMMENTS

Increase in abortion in Scotland ‘heartbreaking,’ says pro-life group
Pro-life activists have described the increase in the number of annual abortions in Scotland as 'heartbreaking.'
The number increased in 2015 for the first time in three years, with a total of 12,082 abortions—up by 306 (2.6 per cent) from the previous year.
“We know abortion hurts women and takes an innocent life,” said Rachel McKenzie, communications officer for SPUC Scotland. “There is always a better solution than abortion. Every abortion is a tragedy and to see an increase in Scotland in 2015 to 2016 is heartbreaking.”
While the number of girls under 16 having terminations fell to its lowest total over the past 10 years—136 in 2015 compared to 364 in 2006—the number of females aged 35 to 39 opting for the procedure increased by almost 200 in just one year.
Τhe figures also say the most likely age for a women to have an abortion in Scotland is 20-24, who account for 30 per cent of all abortions. Those in the most deprived areas are almost twice as likely to have abortions as those in the least deprived areas.