BY Ian Dunn | June 2 | 0 COMMENTS

Scalan 300th anniversary celebrations begin
Mass and association AGM ahead of the annual Mass on the first Sunday in July in the once ‘illegal’ seminary
Mass was again celebrated in the hidden heart of Scottish Catholicism last week as worshipers gathered in Bishop Hay’s Room at Scalan in the 300th anniversary year of the once ‘illegal’ seminary. Fr Jim Thomson and Mgr Brian Halloran concelebrated Mass in the place that was Scotland’s hidden Seminary during the Reformation.
After Mass, the AGM of the Scalan Association took place. Fr Thomson, St Mary’s, Lanark, is the current president of the association and Mgr Halloran, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, North Berwick, is a past president. Also present was Fr Michael Briody, association secretary.
This year marks the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the small seminary at Scalan in Glenlivet, responsible for at least 64 priests. Every year a Mass is held on the first Sunday in July at 4 pm to commemorate its history and as an inspiration for the future of the Catholic Church in hard times. This year Archbishop Cushley will be the main celebrant with several other bishops expected to be present on this special occasion. All are welcome on July 3 to remember this special place in Scottish Catholic history.