June 3 | 0 COMMENTS

English Mezzo soprano sings Jubilee song
An English Mezzo soprano has been chosen to provide the official song for the Pope’s Jubilee celebrations in Rome.
Nottinghamshire-born Carly Paoli’s track, Ave Maria, has been chosen by the Vatican as the official song of the Jubilee Tours for visitors to Rome throughout 2016. Over 7.7 million pilgrims have visited Rome so far this year to take part in the celebrations.
Ave Maria was officially launched last week at the Lateran Palace in Rome with Mgr Andreatta, CEO of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi and secretary to the Pope.
Ms Paoli (above), who was born in the UK but spent summers with her family in southern Italy and is fluent in Italian, said: “I am blessed that Ave Maria has been chosen as part of the Jubilee celebrations.
“[It]s a beautiful song which I hope echoes the theme of Mercy the Holy Father has declared for the Jubilee year,” she said. “I first met Mgr Andreatta last summer when he came to Caracalla to the UNICEF show where I performed with Andrea Bocelli and Jose Carreras. He told me backstage that he loved Ave Maria and its message of hope and wanted to find a way to share that message around the world.”
“Carly is beautiful and very talented,” Mgr Andreatta added. “Her voice brings across the emotion of this important song in a beautiful way.”
Download the song on iTunes. Half of the proceeds are going to the Vatican’s chosen charity fund.
—Watch video here