BY Daniel Harkins | May 27 | 0 COMMENTS

Kerala community shows mercy by donating blood
THE Kerala Catholic Community at Holy Family Church, Aberdeen, are setting an example for the Year of Mercy by partnering with NHS staff in a blood donor drive.
At least 16 people from the community will be donating blood at the start of June after the community arranged for parishioners to attend the Donor Centre at Foresterhill Road in the city.
Kerala is a state in southern India with a large Christian population. Migration of families from the region to Aberdeen began in the 1990s.
“The Holy Year of Mercy is best celebrated by rediscovering God’s mercy by means of being merciful and being witness to life,” Fr Joseph Pinakkattu, of Holy Family, said. “Every Christian wears the face of Christ by being merciful like Christ to others. Life itself as well as living one’s life, becomes a fulfilment when it is shared and given away. The Kerala Catholic Community sees blood donation as one of the best means to translate this mercy into practice in the context of the community’s commitment to the society according to its motto of ‘witness Christ and illuminate Scotland’.
“Blood donation is one among the different missions we have undertaken to mark the Holy Year of Mercy. We have managed to block out space for 16 people from the parish to go and donate on June 8, with further opportunities for groups to donate on June 14 and 15, to allow more flexibility.”
The Vatican and Pope Francis have both previously encouraged the faithful to take part in blood and organ donation. In April Vatican Museums offered special tickets to anyone who donated blood at a hospital in Rome. In 2014, Pope Francis described organ donation as ‘a testimony of love for our neighbour.’
“We are extremely grateful to Fr Joseph and the parish of Holy Family for supporting blood donation,” Noel Vassallo, donor recruitment officer at the donor centre, said. “With only 4 per cent of the population actively donating blood, it is amazing to see the response generated when a community comes together to make a difference. We are thrilled that so many people have noted their interest and are willing to take time from their busy schedules to give blood on June 8.
—New, returning and regular blood donors are encouraged to attend a local donation session. To register as a blood donor or to find out where the nearest donation session is, call 0345 90 90 999 or visit
—This story ran in full in the May 27 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.