April 29 | 0 COMMENTS

Happiness is not a downloadable app
Pope Francis has told teenagers happiness can’t be downloaded like a mobile phone app.
The Pope used the reference to connect to Faithful aged 13-16 who converged on Rome for a Holy Year weekend for teenagers.
In his homily during Mass on Sunday in St Peter’s Square, he told a crowd of 100,000 that ‘happiness has no price’ and is ‘not an app that you can download on your phones, nor will the latest update bring you freedom and grandeur in love.’
The Pope warned the young Catholics not to give in to the ‘temptation to let our affections be tainted by an instinctive desire to have what we find pleasing.’
“Our consumerist culture reinforces this tendency,” he said. “Yet when we hold on too tightly to something, it fades, it dies, and then we feel confused, empty inside. The Lord, if you listen to his voice, will reveal to you the secret of love. It is caring for others, respecting them, protecting them and waiting for them.”
The Pope said he knew that all those present were ‘capable of acts of great friendship and goodness.’
“With these you are called to build the future, together with others and for others, but never against anyone.” he said. “You will do amazing things if you prepare well, starting now, by living your youth and all its gifts to the fullest and without fear of hard work. Be like sporting champions, who attain high goals by quiet daily effort and practice.”
On Saturday morning, the Pope surprised those gathered in St Peter’s Square by hearing confessions for more than an hour.
He administered the Sacrament of Reconciliation to 16 teenage boys and girls who were visiting the Vatican for the Jubilee event for teenagers.
—This story ran in full in the April 29 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.