BY Ian Dunn | March 29 | 0 COMMENTS

Archbishop Cushley visits prisoners during Holy Week
Archbishop Leo Cushley made time during Holy Week to visit the prisoners, staff and chaplains at Saughton Prison in Edinburgh.
“We are extremely grateful that the archbishop took time from his very busy schedule to be with us during this very special time in the Church’s year,” Fr Brian Gowans, chaplaincy adviser to Scottish Prison Service, said following the visit March 22. “It is a great boost for those of us working as prison chaplains, as well as for those in our care.”
Saughton Prison, which is officially known as HMP Edinburgh, is home to over 800 prisoners, both male and female. They are cared for by a chaplaincy team led by the Reverend Sheena Orr of the Church of Scotland and includes Mgr Allan Chambers as Catholic chaplain. The week visit by Archbishop Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh follows on from a similar Holy Week visit last year to Cornton Vale Prison in Stirling.
“It was a great pleasure and privilege to welcome the Archbishop to the prison,” Gerry Meakie, deputy governor of HMP Edinburgh, said.
“He was very interested in what we had to tell him and incredibly supportive of the work which our staff do.He seemed very keen to assist us in any way possible and I look forward to welcoming him again in the future.”
Visiting prisoners is identified by the Catholic Church as one of the seven ‘corporal works of mercy,’ acts which respond to the physical requirements of those in greatest need.