BY Ian Dunn | February 26 | 0 COMMENTS

Paisley synod looks to the future
Paisley Diocese has been gripped with synod fever!
With just over seven weeks to go until the official opening Mass of this unique event in history of the diocese, Catholics from Newton Mearns to Gourock are getting involved.
Following prayer and consultation stages, the synod on Evangelisation with emphasis on the Laity’s role will begin with a solemn Mass in St Mirin’s Cathedral on Tuesday April 19. The synodal sessions will take place in Notre Dame High School, Greenock on Saturdays April 23, May 7, May 21, June 4 and June 18. The sessions will involve 200 delegates from around the diocese.
The solemn closing Mass will be celebrated in St Mirin’s Cathedral on Thursday June 23.
Bishop John Keenan (above) will also invite several observers from other Christian churches and communities to the synod. Observers will not have a vote in the deliberations but they may be invited to address those assembled and to participate in the small groups.
Once the sessions are concluded, the bishop, considering what he has heard from the diocese, will proceed to write the synodal decrees and declarations that will hopefully form the basis of a new plan to aid the growth and renewal of the Church in Paisley.
Bishop Keenan has urged parishioners to visit the synod website and read the documents there that will inform delegates.
Going through the initial parish responses, synod organisers said that people have been clear ‘while we should celebrate the vocation of the Lay person and dispel the thought that clergy are more important than laity we had also to recognise the unique position that priests have within our community. It was felt that with the opportunity for formation for the laity there should also be ‘re-formation’ of the clergy to equip them for the new evangelisation.’
—Pic: Paul McSherry
—To find out more on the synod, visit
—This story ran in full in the December 6 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.