January 29 | 0 COMMENTS

Visionary 1230 Pluscarden pilgrimage for summer 2017
Retired Gordon Highlander Lt Col David Broadfoot MBE’s idea aims to help foot £5 million bill
A visionary idea has been proposed to retrace the journey behind the founding of Pluscarden Abbey nearly 800 years ago.
Circa 1230, the Abbey was founded with the arrival in Morayshire, in North East Scotland, of Valliscaulian monks from the French region of Burgundy, and it is now hoped that The 1230 Pluscarden Pilgrimage retracing that journey will take place in the summer of 2017 to raise funds towards the £5 million rebuilding of the iconic South Range—the climax of nearly 70 years of restoration work.
The idea is the brainchild of retired Gordon Highlander, Lt Col David Broadfoot MBE, who has been tasked with raising the required money for this daunting task. The draft route, produced following a meeting in Rome between David and Professor Philip Adamo, author of New monks in old habits, an expert on the Valliscaulians, will be fleshed out if the uptake reaches its required target by March 31.
Pluscarden Abbey as we know it today owes its foundation to King Alexander II of Scotland in the year 1230. At the same time grants were made to two other sister houses, Beauly in Ross, and Ardchattan in Argyll.
The pilgrimage of those early Valliscaulian Monks from Burgundy to Pluscarden will be repeated from June 5 to 3, September 2017, and will cover a distance of approximately 1300 miles.
It will be broken down into 12 legs of 100 miles and a final leg of 80 miles. Each leg, less the final leg, will have a ceiling of 40 participants, will take six days, Monday to Saturday inclusive, and Sunday will be a day of rest, worship and changeover of participants and sponsors.
The final leg will have 60 participants, will cover 80 miles over 5 days arriving on the Friday, and leading to a final weekend of worship and celebration. Each participant, on each leg, must achieve a minimum sponsorship of £1230. The money raised will go towards the £5 million required to complete the Pluscarden Abbey South Range Project.
A stone from the original abbey will be carried throughout the pilgrimage and will constitute the foundation stone of the new South Range. Details of the South Range Project, the Pluscarden 1230 Pilgrimage, including details of all 13 legs, and how to apply for this unique event are at: www.appealpluscardenabbey.org.uk
Closing date for applications is March 31, 2016.