BY Ian Dunn | January 13 | 0 COMMENTS

Parish clusters signal change is beginning in Glasgow
First steps in Archbishop Tartaglia's plan for the archdiocese announced
Glasgow Archdiocese has released details of new parish clusters as part of its ongoing reorganisation that began in November 2013 with the This Affects You consultation.
The new details reveal 21 clusters of four to five parishes, with St Andrew’s Cathedral its own separate entity. Over the next three years parishes within clusters will be expected to pool resources on matters from community groups and social events to Mass times.
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia (above) said in a letter to parishes last year that he does not ‘envisage that these clusters will necessarily form the basis of future new parishes.’
“In some cases circumstances and experience may suggest that a cluster look towards a more formal amalgamation of its parishes,” he said. “In other cases different approaches may best serve the local pastoral needs. But these decisions will be for the future. The goal for the next three years is to foster deeper bonds of understanding and collaboration between nearby parishes.”
The full list of parish clusters can be found on the archdiocese’s website by clicking here.