December 18 | 0 COMMENTS

Sadness is ‘not allowed’ at Christmas, Pope says
Pope Francis has told Catholics around the world that sadness is ‘not allowed’ during Christmas and that they should place their trust in the Lord.
The Pope was celebrating Gaudete Sunday Mass at the Basilica of St John Lateran, the Sunday in Advent traditionally associated with joy at the upcoming birth of Jesus Christ. He led his homily by reflecting on the prophet Zephaniah declaring that ‘the Lord is real’ and calling on Catholics to’ ‘rejoice always’ in God.
“We cannot let ourselves be taken in by fatigue; sadness in any form is not allowed, even though we have reason to be with the many concerns and the many forms of violence which hurt humanity,” the Pope said.
“God knows that He will reign over His people, he would never leave them at the mercy of the arrogance of its leaders, and will free them from all anxiety.”
This was a marked contrast to the Pope’s remarks about Christmas two weeks ago, where he feared that this year’s celebrations would be a ‘charade’ in the face of global terrorism and war.
“We are close to Christmas: there will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes—all decked out—while the world continues to wage war,” the Pope previously said.
As part of the Mass at the Lateran Basilica, Pope Francis opened a Holy Door that would commemorate the Jubilee Year of Mercy starting from the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.
Cathedrals around the world opened their own Holy Doors that day where pilgrims passing through the door will receive a plenary indulgence.
“Even this simple sign is an invitation to joy,” the Pope told the congregation. “It begins a time of the great forgiveness […] to rediscover the presence of God and his fatherly tenderness.”
He then called on the congregation to heed John the Baptist’s messages to ‘act justly and to look after the needs of those in need’ in the run-up to Christmas.