BY Daniel Harkins | December 15 | 0 COMMENTS

Archbishop of Glasgow prays for victims of bin lorry and Clutha tragedies
In his annual Christmas message, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia said advent can be ‘cruellest of times’ for those who have lost loved ones at this time of year
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia said his thoughts and prayers are with the families of the Glasgow Clutha pub and bin lorry tragedies this Christmas.
In his yearly message, the Glasgow Archbishop (above) said Christmas can be the ‘cruellest of times’ for families who have lost a loved one at this time of year, adding that Glasgow has had ‘two years of overwhelming tragedy to cope with in the shadow of the Christmas lights.’
Six people were killed when a bin lorry crashed into Christmas shoppers on December 22 last year. On November 29, 2013, ten people died after a police helicopter crashed into the Clutha Vaults pub.
“This year my thoughts and prayers will, in a very special way, be with the families of all who suffered in the Clutha and Queen Street tragedies,” he said. “And looking around us, as the world reels from terror attacks, we could be forgiven for despairing. Pope Francis even went as far as saying that Christmas festivities could seem a ‘charade.’”
Glasgow has had ‘two years of overwhelming tragedy to cope with in the shadow of the Christmas lights.’
“It’s a sobering thought, and one which, at a human level troubles us. What are we to do in the face of so much sorrow, conflict and pain around us?
“The answer is not to be found in glib phrases on Twitter, nor is it to be discovered by scouring the world’s libraries in search of a philosophy which will give us all the answers. Rather the answer is to be found in the crib.”
“We have the light of hope for us and our loved ones, and the gift of eternal life if we choose to accept it,” the archbishop added.
At 12pm on December 22, the first anniversary of the bin lorry tragedy, the archbishop will take part in an ecumenical memorial service of remembrance in Glasgow Cathedral organised by Glasgow Churches Together.
— Read Archbishop Tartaglia’s Christmas message, and messages from all of the Scottish hierarchy, in the special double Christmas edition of the SCO, In parishes by Christmas, priced £2.