BY Ian Dunn | October 14 | 0 COMMENTS

Scottish Parliament to take control of abortion
CARE urges MSPs to take advantage of the change in regulation to debate the issue for the first time in the Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Parliament is to take control over abortion law in Scotland, the UK Government has confirmed, and MSPs are being urged to debate the issue for the first time in the Scottish Parliament.
Devolution of the regulation of abortion was initially recommended by the cross-party Smith Commission but it did not appear in the subsequent Scotland Bill. Scottish Secretary David Mundell told the Scottish Affairs Committee at Westminster today that an amendment would be made to the Scotland Bill allowing the move.
The Scottish Government is in favour of control over abortion being devolved to Holyrood, but First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said she did not want to make any changes to the existing regulations. The SNP, Lib Dems, Scottish Greens and Conservatives have all previously backed the devolution of abortion law, but it has been opposed by Labour. Abortion is already devolved to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
The Christian charity CARE has urged MSPs to take advantage of the change to debate the issue for the first time in the Scottish Parliament. Stuart Weir, CARE for Scotland’s national director, said he welcomed ‘the fact abortion is to be devolved to the Scottish Parliament.’
“Only recently MSPs debated a crucial end of life issue when the Parliament rejected assisted suicide by an overwhelming majority,” Mr Weir said. “It makes plain constitutional sense therefore for this new power to be given to Holyrood so the Parliament here has power over start of life issues as well. The transfer of such a major new power clearly merits a full Parliamentary debate and MSPs should take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible.”